Pre-order: Another way to consume .. and a way of making more ethical.
In the history of Kin'noTé, there has been, from the beginning, the desire to design artisanal pieces, to work with beautiful materials and to promote a reasoned consumption that excludes neither elegance nor style.
Take the time to create beautiful clothes, beautiful, well-made, well-thought-out accessories that enhance you and in which you feel good.
Useful and desired pieces, designed for you and to last.
Exceptional pieces therefore, made with love and responsibly, in micro series or as a single piece in materials of very high quality and if possible who do not come from end of the world.
There is no waste, no overstock, the models are constantly renewed and special requests are met with attention and concern at a reasonable price.
The deadlines are controlled and as the manufacture is artisanal and integrated (Kin'noTé designs and manufactures its models), you will receive your accessory approximately 30 days after the start of production.
*do you know the story of the hummingbird?